Our Vision: To be a church fully Engaged in Reaching Up, Reaching In, and Reaching Out.
Worship Services
Sunday Mornings
8:00 Traditional Worship in John Calvin Chapel.
An intimate setting which provides a personal, close to God feeling.
9:00 Contemporary Worship in Fellowship Hall.
Relaxed atmosphere, contemporary music, praise band and casual attire.
11:00 Traditional Worship in Sanctuary.
Offering a more formal setting or organ music, chancel choir, hand bells hymns.
First Visit
We are so glad you found First Pres online and want to find out more about us.
We profess Jesus Christ and strive to be His hands and feet in the DeLand area and the world.
Your first time here feel free to introduce yourself to a greeter and let them know you are new.
We are a warm, comfortable and welcoming church and we want to get to know you and offer you a Welcome Gift of information and First Pres items on your first visit.