Our Vision: To be a church fully Engaged in Reaching Up, Reaching In, and Reaching Out.
Music Ministry
Traditional and Contemporary
chancel choir
Our Chancel Choir sings at the 11:00 Traditional Worship service in the Sanctuary. Each year several Stetson University students join the Chancel Choir which is led by Jane Christeson, a Stetson Music Professor. They rehearse on Thursday evenings. An annual Evensong service is presented by the Chancel Choir during Advent.
handbell/chimes choir
Our Hand Bell and Chimes Choir typically plays one Sunday a month at the 11:00 Traditional Worship service. Jane Christeson leads rehearsals on Thursdays before Chancel Choir rehearsal.
Contemporary praise band
Our Praise Band leads Contemporary Worship on Sunday mornings at 9:00 in Fellowship Hall. The service is filled with the Spirit, through Christ, for the Glory of God. The atmosphere is relaxed. Joe DeGaetano is the leader, they rehearse on Friday evenings.